Calgary Breastfeeding Support
Calgary IBCLC Lactation Consultant Doula

What makes Calgary Breastfeeding Support Unique?


Ask Questions:

At Calgary Breastfeeding Support families are free to ask questions about anything involving their breastfeeding journey.

Share Experiences:

There is value in our collective experience. Sharing what worked, what didn’t and what is down right bizarre, connects us.

Find Community:

With all this asking and sharing, we have built a strong community of lactating families that continues beyond our breastfeeding years.


Safe Space:

Calgary Breastfeeding Support recognizes that we all approach our choices from our unique perspectives. We ensure everyone feels safe and included.

Evidence-Based Information:

There are many different ideas and theories about how breastfeeding works. We respect these ideas while ensuring we are providing factual information to Calgary families.

Connect with a Private IBCLC:

When friendly support isn’t enough, have the opportunity to reach a local International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Natalie can be hired for in-home consultations.