Share Your Story - Month 1 to 4

Calgary Breastfeeding Support encourages families to share their experiences. You aren’t alone on this journey. If you have an experience or story you’d like to share, send us a message and we will include it here.

- These were such fun months to breastfeed. We got good at it. My baby got the hang of head control and deep latching, I learned what was normal and what to look out for (clogged ducts and thrush). We really hit our stride and I felt like “we got this” - Laura-

-For the first time with 3 kids, I’m closing this time frame up and headed into the next time frame! I’ve always had a particularly difficult time breastfeeding and I finally found a paediatrician that has taught me to kick back and enjoy my tall, skinny babies cause it’s just how my babies grow! I will never have a chubby newborn thanks to genetics and THAT’S OKAY as long as you have medical staff there making sure everything is perfect otherwise. These months have been so beautiful in their ability to teach me the type of woman I am...I’ve always seemed to deepen my understanding of myself during my partial or full journey through these months. I call these my “Wonder Woman” months cause you get in a rhythm and feel like you can tackle anything! - Kaylene-


Share Your Story - Months 4 to 6


Share Your Story - The 1st Month