Share Your Story - The 1st Month

Calgary Breastfeeding Support encourages families to share their experiences. You aren’t alone on this journey. If you have an experience or story you’d like to share, send us a message and we will include it here.

-When my first baby was born, I was very green to breastfeeding. I really didn’t know what I was supposed to do and developed cracks quickly. Within the first 2 weeks I had Mastitis and felt like giving up. With support I worked through that and thought if I could get through this, I could get through anything that got in my way. I kept holding out the arbitrary time line of 6 weeks. I would make a decision at 6 weeks. By six weeks things had improved drastically and I felt like I could really do this. -Natalie-

- Calgary breastfeeding support has been there since even before my daughter was born, helping me figure out my breastfeeding goals, educating me on what to expect and just generally being an advocate for feeding my baby. Once my little girl arrived, the advice and guidance I received while trying to troubleshoot a gassy baby with my fast letdown was invaluable in keeping us on our breastfeeding journey. I truly credit this amazing community with setting us both up for success and keeping us on track. - Laura-

-Trust your mom gut. If you think something is wrong with your breastfeeding journey - keep fighting for your child’s and your voice to be heard. Breastfeeding should NEVER hurt and everything can appear to be perfect, but a posterior tongue tie and a severe lip tie can be missed by everyone except the professionals (for me those professionals are West Market Dental), so if nothing else seems to help get a second opinion! Make sure you have support to keep you going on the hard days - Calgary Breastfeeding Support has been with me through 3 kids so far and all the questions and stories keep me going and help me make sure I know what to expect. -Kaylene-

-As a first time mom, I tried to do all the research that I could to prepare myself, but when my little guy wouldn’t latch and we just couldn’t get it going, we switched to EP. I am 6 months and counting on EP and it has been no easy feat, but I am determined to keep doing this for my son. I was always nervous to ask questions or ask for help, but don’t be! This group is AMAZING, and always has an answer or some helpful suggestions, making it all seem less daunting. I am so glad I found this community and am able to utilize it to help in the success of my breastfeeding journey. -Denae-


Share Your Story - Month 1 to 4


Culture and Feeding Your Baby